Is It Free To Make Playlists Secret On Spotify

My friend (and 9 Clouds’ resident tech wizard), Allen Day, has taught me a lot about getting the most out of the Internet.

Recently, I asked him about some lesser-known Spotify features. Here are some things Allen said you should definitely be aware of while you listen.

Make playlist secret or public: To change whether your playlist is visible to others on Spotify, open the playlist and click the Triple-Dot Button under the playlist’s name; it will be next to. Spotify makes the illusion that making a playlist 'secret' makes it private. This is not true. Anyone can go to to view your 'secret' playlists and all of the songs within.

Check out make-all-spotify-playlists-secret on Glitch, the friendly community where everyone can discover & create the best apps on the web. The most important mobile app feature for Spotify Free users is to know when a playlist has unlimited skips. As you scroll through the Spotify app home screen, the 15 playlists on this page are. Getting on Spotify playlists: your secret guide to hooking features. Either record labels, or music bloggers, or just plain music fans and heavy users of Spotify will make these playlists and share them with other Spotify users. Some of these playlists become very popular and shared among lots of people. Start your 7-day free.

My Top 8 Spotify Hacks (by Allen Day)

1. Collaborative Playlists

I started using Spotify for shared playlists while getting to know my now-wife. We later used one for our wedding.

Collaborative playlists are a great way to mark an occasion. At 9 Clouds, when Catherine was concerned she listened to too much Maroon 5, the team rallied together and built her a playlist.

How to Do It

Want to collaborate on a playlist?

Just right-click on the playlist, and choose Collaborative Playlist. Then, share it with your future collaborators.

Check out the playlist we made for this blog post »

2. Organizing Your Playlists with Folders

If you’ve been using Spotify for a while, you’ve probably accumulated quite a few playlists.

Did you know you can organize them into folders?

I didn’t, either . . . until I grabbed my wife’s phone to change up the music on a road trip and saw how organized her lists were compared to my mess.

Mind. Blown.

You can make as many folders as you want to organize your playlists so they make sense for you. Break them down by theme or genre — make a collection of playlists for the gym, driving, you name it.

How to Do It

Just right-click on a playlist, and select Create Folder. Once you’ve created your folders, you can drag playlists into them.

Note: You cannot create or organize folders on your phone; you’ll have to use the desktop app. Once they’re set up, though, you can still see and use them on your phone.

3. Customizing Playlists with Your Own Album Art

You’ve put a lot of listening time into your favorite playlists.

Whether you want to keep them private or share them with the world, those playlists deserve to look great and stand out in your Spotify app.

The ability to update cover art and playlist descriptions used to be limited to featured partners, but now it’s available for all playlists — public or private.

How to Do It

Open your playlist in the desktop app. Click on the cover art to upload your own photo, or click on the description to write a new one.

Check out 9 Clouds’ car song playlist »

4. “Daily Mix” Playlists

Not sure what to listen to? Check out your “Daily Mix” playlists.

“Daily Mix” is a series of playlists with nearly endless playback that combines your favorite tracks with new songs Spotify thinks you’ll love — minus the effort that goes into creating the perfect listening session.

Spotify creates up to six playlists for you based on your own listening history. Each playlist is differentiated by a unique color and generally spans a single genre or theme.


When you’re playing one of your daily mixes, a couple new icons will appear in your player. You can ❤️ your favorite songs to add them to your Liked Songs.

5. Yearly Reflection: “Your 2019 Wrapped”

Each year, Spotify marks the holidays with a recap of what you listened to that year. For 2019, Spotify has released “Your 2019 Wrapped.”

Sign in to see your most-listened-to songs, albums, and artists in 2019.

Here at 9 Clouds, we love to compare stories and screenshots of our own “Years Wrapped.” Here’s mine from way back in 2017 (I listened to a lot of Alphaville — but in my defense, they released a new album for the first time in years, and I got to see them in concert after a 20-year wait):

6. Podcasts

The podcast industry has never been bigger. Podcasts have gone mainstream . . . which means Spotify is not just a music player anymore.

For years, I’ve tried recommending podcasts to friends and acquaintances. Too often, the response is that the podcast sounds interesting, but they don’t know how to use podcasts.

Now, I can just point people to Spotify. While it’s not my podcast app of choice, I am extremely excited to see Spotify offering them as a gateway to podcasts.

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7. “Discover Weekly” and “Release Radar”

Spotify has a couple of weekly playlists custom-tailored just for you.

Every Monday, the first thing I listen to is my “Discover Weekly” playlist. This playlist is a mix of familiar tunes from your own playlists, plus new music Spotify thinks you’ll like. “Discover Weekly” tends to be pretty hit-or-miss, but it hits enough that I keep coming back.

The other weekly playlist I look forward to is the “Release Radar.” Similar to “Discover Weekly,” this playlist is based on your listening history. It features the newest releases by artists you listen to or follow.

If you haven’t already, search Spotify for “Release Radar” and “Discover Weekly.” Once you find yours, click the Follow button to add them to your playlists for easy access. They update every Monday and Friday, respectively.

8. Creeping on Your Friends

Want to see what your friends or coworkers are listening to?

Check out the Friend Activity panel in Spotify on your Mac or PC desktop. (Don’t see it? Turn on the right sidebar under the View menu.)

Of course, this goes both ways — your friends can see what you’re listening to, as well.

If you don’t like the idea of broadcasting your listening preferences to your friends, you can disable it in the Spotify settings. Toggle on Private Session to temporarily hide what you’re listening to, or disable Share my listening activity on Spotify to turn off your public activity for good.

Bonus: What Does Spotify Suck At?

Sure, we’re biased — we know a thing or two about superb targeting online.

Still, despite its awesome data, Spotify’s ad targeting could use a lot of work.

Only Spotify would advertise Chick-fil-A to me in a town hundreds of miles from the nearest restaurant — and always while I’m running. It should totally know I’m running because of data . . . and my playlist with the word Running in the title. C’mon, guys.

Learn more about online targeting »

…Okay, It’s Matt Again Now

Thanks, Allen!

Before we put this post together, I didn’t know a thing about the “Release Radar,” and there are a few more features in here I definitely have to check out.

Download Spotify Playlist For Free

If you want hacks for more than just Spotify, 9 Clouds is always learning about new things and then passing that knowledge along. To get articles about marketing and playing better online, subscribe for our blog’s email updates.

Top Spotify Playlists

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There are more than 3 billion user-generated playlists on Spotify. That means hours upon hours of carefully curated lists of tracks listeners can’t get enough of. Until recently, playlists were exclusive to music. But now, in the true spirit ofAudio First, Spotify users can combine music and podcasts on the same playlists.

Play A Song On Spotify

With this recently released, frequently requested functionality, users can build playlists of podcasts, or add podcasts to existing playlists for a mixed-media experience. Users can also set up a playlist of multiple podcasts in a row—perfect for a long drive or maybe a run—or integrate their favorite songs with news, comedy, or sports podcasts. (Here’s an idea: set up a selection of sunny, feel-good songs for before, after, and in between a bunch of great true crime podcast episodes—you know, to balance yourself out.)

With these new opportunities for creativity, the options are endless. And the best part—it’s as easy as making a playlist full of music.

To add a podcast to a playlist on mobile:

Is It Free To Make Playlists Secret On Spotify Playlists

  1. Simply navigate to a podcast episode you love.
  2. Tap the three dots to the right of the track or episode.
  3. Tap “Add to playlist.”
  4. Select a playlist you’ve already created you like to add it to.
  5. Or, tap to create a new playlist from scratch.
  6. Play around with interspersing podcast episodes with music tracks to curate hand-picked listening sessions.
  7. Share with your friends or make your playlists public—others are sure to love them too!

Then, once you’re ready to play hours of queued-up content, head back to “Your Library” to see all your playlists in one place under the “Playlists” tab in Music. Sound familiar? If you’ve ever made a playlist for your favorite songs, you’re already a pro.

How To Create Spotify Playlist

**Pro tip: If you’re using Spotify on your computer desktop, you can stream the playlists you’ve made on mobile that include podcasts. You just can’t make a playlist with a podcast in it from your desktop—yet.